Sweet dreams are made of this…

When Haley died, I ached to have her back with me. Perhaps you’ve had that feeling - the intense desire to see your special person again. My head knew it was not going to happen, but my heart still craved that connection. And it happened, just a few days after she passed away.

I was napping - I was absolutely exhausted on every level after spending months living in and out of the hospital, getting Haley to the end of her life on earth, followed by the unavoidable and tiring days of funeral preparations. Finally, quiet had descended, and I allowed myself to rest. I slept hard, and had the dream I so badly needed to have. I remember it being brief, beginning with me opening our front door to find Haley standing there. She looked healthy and beautiful and her smile made her face glow. She was wearing a long white robe - nothing fancy, more like the garments that altar servers wore in our church. She didn’t say anything, and she didn’t step inside. But she was there and her happiness was obvious and comforting. I woke up so reassured - it felt like she had come to tell me that she was OK.

I’ve since dreamed of her many times. I’ve talked to others who have had dreams of loved ones, or had others tell them they had dreams of visits. I have to believe these are more than just creative “movies” in our minds - I like to believe they are connections that transcend our physical world and allow us to be together in a different way!


The Importance of a Grief Guide