New Bus, All New People Too!
Haley’s first football game was an exhilerating adventure for her, and brought with it another ‘Haleyism’ for me. She was just happy to be a part of such an exciting event with all that goes on – the cheerleaders, the music, the mascots, the food, the contests and prizes – not to mention the football game itself! Greg and I had been sitting in the same seats for years, having taken them over from my dad, who’d been a season ticket holder since the 1960’s, when he stopped attending. We knew several of the other season ticket holders sitting nearby, and our seat-neighbour, Don, who had encountered Brendan at many games with Greg on the days when I opted out in order to stay home with the younger kids, commented on Haley’s presence rather than Brendan’s. In reply, she rapidly blurted, “Yeah, and he’s not too happy about it!” But she was. Even the ride home was enthralling to Haley. A few minutes into the ride, Greg asked if she noticed anything different. Haley pondered, then remarked, “New bus!” And after a brief pause, “All new people too!” She was an instant fan – not just of the game, but of the entire experience.
Life is constantly changing, and embracing rather than resisting change is an approach I work to adopt, remembering the excitement of a little girl who observed, “New bus! All new people too!”