You Never Know…

Haley was an always an optimist. She faced many significant medical challenges during her lifetime, but always had a very positive attitude. Rather than ask, “What if?” when anticipating the potential of something going badly, she was more apt to say, “You never know!” That phrase was a look at the possible, rather than the impossible, the likelihood of good rather than bad, a reminder that uncertainty is always in front of us, but you can approach it with trust rather than doubt, even if you only have a glimmer of hope.

When Haley was seven, our dental office ran a colouring contest. She and her siblings were excited to participate and knew there was a prize for the winning entry – a soft, multi-coloured Ty Beanie Buddy who sat enticingly on display on the front desk counter next to the colouring sheets. I encouraged them to do their best, but reminded them that there would be many entries, so not to get their hopes up. Haley piped up with, “You never know, Mom!” Weeks after we had dropped off the enthusiastically coloured sheets, we received a phone call announcing that Haley had won! We dropped what we were doing and headed to the dental office to collect the bear. Her excitement was infectious as the office staff gathered to congratulate her and seemed just as thrilled to be giving the bear to Haley as she was to receive it!

We had to balance that same optimistic approach throughout Haley’s lifetime with her medical challenges. We were always aware that things could go horribly and irreversibly wrong, but it was never wrong to hope for the best, and to attempt to approach each challenge with an attitude of “You never know!”

It’s a phrase that Greg often reminds me of still when I fear a potential, yet unpredictable future event – “You never know, Mom!” - and it always makes me smile!


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